Monday, July 16, 2007

Down At The Beach

At least once a week I go down to the beach and walk for an hour. Before I started walkin home from work back in April (about a 30 minute walk) I used to go down there more often. But since I started walkin home I get my exercise that way, and now I usually only go down to the beach once or twice a week.

I strap my iPod to my arm and walk at a brisk pace. I had intended on joggin, but I thought that might be too hard on my knees, so I walk instead. I dig the ambience down there, plus I love the way the ocean breeze feels on my skin. It's like a gentle kiss.So I went down there yesterday mornin. It wasn't that crowded, thankfully, and it wasn't too hot... that is, until I noticed my temperature start to rise.

I looked up from the ocean view and that's when I saw 'em. A group of men in shorts and tee shirts joggin toward me. Big strappin men. Some were young bucs, others were seasoned vets. I knew who they were before they even spoke.



It was about seven of 'em, and all of 'em were fine. I had my iPod strapped to my left arm so I knew I wouldn't be able to engage them in a convo. That is, unless I was really obvious and pushed pause, which I didn't wanna do. So I didn't wanna say too much, cuz I wouldn't be able to hear their response that well. So I simply said, "Firemen! My God! I love me some firemen."

Sike. LOL! I didn't say that. I wanted to say it, but I choked. I blinked, then smiled. They smiled, and a chorus of "Good morning"s followed, in various tones of bass and tenor.

And I said, (Thank you, God!) "Good mornin," right back. As I passed 'em I saw LBFD on their shirts. I knew it. Long Beach Fire Department.


Later durin my walk - my radar was on again. Cuz I turned around and damn if one of those cuties wasn't joggin right behind me, smilin. He waved, and I smiled right back. But he was joggin and I was walkin, so he passed me and that was that. I wanted to run after him and strike up a convo, like, "So you're a fireman, huh?" But I didn't.

Maybe if I see 'em down there this Sunday - and you can bet my ass will be down there on Sunday - I'll work up the nerve. Cuz God knows I love me some firemen.


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