Friday, February 15, 2008

The Raheem DeVaughn & Jill Scott show

Long time no see. Last night my coworker (Jackie) and I went to an amazin concert up in LA. In fact, it's my all time favorite concert. EVAH! It featured Jill Scott and a cool cat from DC, Raheem DeVaughn.

Raheem opened for Jill, and even though he did his thang (he was REALLY good!) I was kinda upset cuz he only got about 45 minutes, but Jill got 2 hours! She was worth it, though. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed her. And overall the concert was more than entertainment... it was like a religious experience.

But I wish Raheem coulda got more time! Suckas cut him short. Shoot.

I told Raheem that, too. See, unbeknownst to us, while Jill Scott was performin Raheem was out in the lobby chattin & chillin w/ folks. We found out cuz Jackie hadta go to the bathroom. And when she came back she was like, Girl, Raheem is out there!

I was like, is a lotta folks out there?

She was like, no, girl!

I was like, I'm goin out there.

She was like, I'm goin w/ you!

So Jackie and I hurried out there and only two folks were talkin to him at the time (I thought he was gonna be swarmed).

So when he finished chattin w/ them, I couldn't stop smilin at him. I mean, I was cheesin EXTRA hard! I couldn't stop myself. I was like:

Me: I'm from DC, too!
Ra: That's what's up!
Me: Yeah, that's what's up.


Me: Can I get me a hug?
Ra: Oh, fa sho!

Got me a GREAT big ole hug!

Then some other fans started chattin w/ him.
His boy turned to me and was like, why don't you take a picture w/ him.

I was like, can we take pictures w/ him?

He was like, Yeah!

I looked at Raheem and was like, Can I get a picture witchu?

The result is the picture which is on the upper left side of this blog post. Oh and when the dude snapped it I was like: DC IN DA HOUSE! LOL!

His boy was like, why don't you get him to autograph it.

I was like, I aint got no pen. You gotta pen?

He was like, you goin' need a marker. Raheem gotta marker.

I hesitated, but his boy was like, Go 'head.

You think he goin' sign it for me?

Oh, he'll sign it for you!

So I turned to Raheem - he was half listenin to us, chattin w/ some other fans.

So I went back over to him and asked him if he'd autograph it. He asked me how to spell my name. I told him how to spell it. While he was signin it I told him
he shoulda got more time. He was like, maybe next time!

I was like, you a Taurus, aint you?
Ra: Yup.
Me: I knew it! I heard you mention that in one of your songs!
Ra: What sign're you?
Me: I'ma Virgo.
I forgot his exact comment but it made me smile


Then some other folks came up and Jackie and I went back into the amphitheater. We clapped and sang along w/ Jill, but I had our picture in a death grip. LOL!

After it was over we poured into the lobby and I spotted Raheem! He was still out there. I smiled at him and waved. He smiled right back

It was a FANTASTIC night!
